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You can become a member of the Optical Society of Serbia after sending the letter of intention via contact page to Secretary. The instructions will be replied to the mail you have provided.

Member Categories

Who is interested for the realizations of the Mission of the Optical Society of Serbia can apply for the Society's membership.

The membership can be individual and collective, grouped into categories. Collective members of the Society can be legal entities like: production and distribution organizations and companies, publishers, scientific and research&development institutions and companies, colleges and universities, organizations for market research and job recruiting, ...

Membership fee for categories is given in the table below:

type of membership
member category
amount (RSD)
 5    employed
 4    retired
 3-4 university students: doctoral
 3-3 university students: master
 3-2 university students: specialized
 3-1 university students: undergraduate
 2    students of professional studies
 1    unemployed



Members of the Society can use following privileges:

  • information access
    • exclusive access to the Society's database and e-mails
  • networking and recognition
    • establishing new professional contacts and networking with participants of the meetings organized by the Society
    • possibiity for nomination and acceptance of the Society's awards and prizes
  • fee reduction for members
    • 20% fee reduction for all meetings organized by the Society
    • 20% fee reduction for sponsorship offers
    • 25% fee reduction for exposition space on meetings organized by the Society
    • 20% fee reduction on Society's publications
    • free sample of the Society's Bulletin
  • career possibilities
    • achieving valuable experience by inclusion in organizational, marketing, publihing and other activities of the Society
  • marketig possibilities
    • presence on the internet pages of the Society
    • free employment ads on the interent pages of the Society
  • influence
    • possibility of taking part in the governing bodies of the Society as the possibility of influence on the selection of future projects and programs